Gas Water Heater Problems: Should You Replace It Soon?

Hello, my name is Victor Manning and my favorite pastime is gardening. I love everything there is about gardening including planting seeds, pulling weeds and picking the delicious vegetables out of my garden to eat. My joy of gardening started at a young age when I would help my grandfather in his garden. He showed me how to have a thriving garden and I've also picked up various tips myself throughout the years. I wanted to write a blog to teach others about gardening because of the enjoyment that I get when working in my garden. I hope that these tips and the information I've provided will help you to have a successful and bountiful garden.

Gas Water Heater Problems: Should You Replace It Soon?

Gas Water Heater Problems: Should You Replace It Soon?

22 July 2018
Home & Garden, Blog

Your gas water heater plays a crucial role in your family's health and well-being. But if your water heater doesn't stay on long enough to clean your clothes, wash your dishes, or even bathe your children, you may think it's time to replace the appliance. Before you replace your struggling water heater, try to repair it. Here are things you and a plumbing specialist can do to save your gas water heater from complete failure.

What Can You Do for Your Water Heater?

If your water heater tends to run out of hot water or stop working every time you use it, check the thermostat to see if it's set to the right temperature. Your appliance should be set at 120 degrees F. If the temperature is lower than 120 degrees F, the appliance may not make your water hot enough to use. Try raising the temperature slightly to see if the water heater kicks on. If the temperature was too low, the pilot light should come and instruct the appliance to heat your water. 

If the temperature isn't the problem, check the small pilot light to see if it's lit. The appliance won't work is the pilot light goes out and stays out. Most water heaters come with instructions that show you how to relight their pilot lights, so read through the instructions carefully before you attempt to relight your appliance. After you relight the pilot light, wait for your gas water heater to come on and heat the water inside it. You may need to wait a bit, so be patient. 

If the water heater still doesn't come or stay on properly, you'll need to call a plumber for water heater repair right away.

What Can a Plumbing Specialist Do?

Gas water heaters can experience a number of problems over the years, including gas line leaks, sediment buildup, and rust. A plumber can examine your appliance to see why it fails to stay on or heat your water properly. For example, if your gas appliance needs a new gas valve or thermocouple, the pilot light won't stay lit. A contractor will need to replace the valve in order for the pilot light to come on as needed. 

After a plumbing contractor repairs your gas water heater, they may go over a few things you can do to make your appliance last longer. For example, a contractor may suggest that you have your water heater inspected regularly. Inspections can locate many things, including gas line leaks and tank damage. A plumber can provide more information about the inspections during the visit. 

For immediate help with your ailing gas water heater, contact a plumber today.

About Me
Successful Gardening Tips and Information

Hello, my name is Victor Manning and my favorite pastime is gardening. I love everything there is about gardening including planting seeds, pulling weeds and picking the delicious vegetables out of my garden to eat. My joy of gardening started at a young age when I would help my grandfather in his garden. He showed me how to have a thriving garden and I've also picked up various tips myself throughout the years. I wanted to write a blog to teach others about gardening because of the enjoyment that I get when working in my garden. I hope that these tips and the information I've provided will help you to have a successful and bountiful garden.
